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Bhagvad Geeta Chapter 6, Verse 5 The Lord says "Elevate yourself through your own efforts and don't degrade yourself. For, the mind can be the friend and the enemy of the self". The one who understands the above phrase can win any battle of life. Today in this blog I am going to tell you a story of a real-life hero - " MEHUL VYAS " who made the above quote real. The miracle man who won the battle of life, himself wrote his destiny, changed the path of death with his positivity and will power. This man has raised a hope of life in the hearts of all the people fighting cancer. 2014 - Cancer knocks on his door. Mehul started losing weight, his voice became hoarse, and he had pain while swallowing and breathing. Was unable to sleep because of fear of not waking up. He kept taking antibiotics from local clinics but the problem gradually increased. As the days passed his condition started becoming worse. Finally, after the doctor's pe

17-03-21 Time matters a lot- Ayurveda- Balancing Tridosha

Dr komal behl Time matters a lot- Ayurveda- Balancing Tridosha You do exercise, follow a proper diet chart to remain healthy. All these efforts are appreciable but what if we modify our life style , eating habbits and diet according to season. Time matters a lot !! Ayurveda says about Tridosha ,means there are 3 doshas that is vata, pitta and kapha . Vata regulates our nervous system, pitta works for our digestive systema and Kapha is meant for respiratory system. Rotation of earth also rotates the prominency of these doshas. As the season changes like from November to February when the air is cold and dry ,vata dosha becomes prominent in the environment. We focus on keeping it in balance by adapting diet and life style suitable for vata dosha. Similarly from July to October when weather is hot , pitta becomes prominent and from March to June when its cold and wet, kapha accumulates in the air. Adapting routine according to doshas will keep your body physiologically in equillibr

12-03-21 Power Of Meditation And Astrology

Dr.Komal behl 12-03-21 Meditation is the most powerful technique to win the war of life. The motive of this blog is to make you aware about the connection between meditation and astrology. What ever problem we have in life wheather its related to our body , mind ,relationship etc, somewhere we believe that the effect of planets is involved in it. Planets affect us and we suffer from hard situations in life. People do remedies like wearing different stones , chanting mantras to downregulate this planetary effect. Its true that planets do affect us but upto some extent.Means they do have limits. The rays of planets affect our body, mind, breath. It stops here and cannot go beyond this. When we do meditation, we can go beyond time and space where this planetary effect cannot go. Human mind has a tendency to oscillate between past and future. Every individual on earth either involves in the past or worried about future. Practice of mediation help us to be in present. Thoughts are lik

10.-03-21 Tumor Angiogenesis - Ayurvedic Aspect

Dr.komal behl 10-03-21 We define Cancer as an uncontrolled proliferation (division) of cells leading to the formation of tumor .But how these cells manage for nutrition and oxygen for their growth and and division? If these rapidly dividing cells do not get oxygen and nutrition then their division will get slow down and they will die. These cancer cells are very smart, they manage to develop a network of blood and lymph vessels around them to get oxygen and nutrients from the blood and give back waste material through lymph vessels. This process of development of new blood vessels is called Angiogenesis. Tumor growth and its metastasis( spread) depends on angiogenesis .There are certain angiogenetic factors which stimulate the process of Angiogenesis. Normally this process includes few steps: 1.Tissue has basement membrane of endothelial cells 2.Basement membrane got injured which causes destruction and hypoxia(oxygen deficiency) 3.This causes angiog

05-03-21 Feelings And Cancer-psycho- oncology

Why me?What i have done so wrong that I deserve to suffer from this deadly disease called cancer? These are some of the most common questions that comes in the mind of a person diagnosed with cancer. In this blog, I will discuss about the feelings and emotions of a cancer survivor through which he/she goes during this journey.  I have gone through many cancer stories. Anger is one of the most common emotion from which a cancer patient suffer. When we come to know that finally we are having cancer, feeling of fear,anxiety, depression comes in us.We try to keep it in our heart thinking that we can manage it by ourselves and try to become strong for the treatment of our illness. But somewhere these feelings make their way out in the form of anger.We consider anger as a negative emotion and try to hide it.But when the battle chooses you then occurence of this emotion should be considered very  genuine. Its absolutely fine to let out this emotion but in a safe way, on your loved ones who do

21 Anemia and Cancer

 Surfing internet has become an important part of daily life,sometimes more important than eating food.If i talk about health related problems,I can say,today almost everyone is alert about medical awareness. Today when a patient visits a doctor,he/she already have enough information about the health related problem he/she is suffering from, even sometimes the person lands to the doctor with diagnosis. All I mean to say is that everybody knows a lot about diseases and treatment. But even then there are  some ongoing researches that give us a shock when we come to know about it. Everybody knows about anemia,its causes and treatment.Sometimes we take iron supplement, folic acid at home by ourselves without any doctor's prescription.We take it likely but its difficult to believe that recent researches have shown how Anemia has majorly contributed for cancer formation.  A research-PLOS ONE,done in March 2017 has concluded that iron deficiency anemia increases the risk of almost all typ

26-02-21 Air Pollution and Cancer

 Today in this busy world,we own everything including money,food,home to live ,a dashing car and a family except one thing and that is time.We have everything for living and for giving except time.We don't have enough time to think and observe calmly that everything we are using in our daily life including What we eat! What we drink !! Even What we breath is carcinogenic. About food and psychological aspects ,we have discussed in our previous blogs. In this blog I am here to inform you about the air that we breath can also cause cancer specially lung cancer. Recent researches have given astonishing results about cases of lung cancer.Ratio of lung cancer cases in smokers as well as in non smokers is equal or you can say count of non smokers suffering from lung cancer is more. Reason behind this is our polluted environment. Air pollution is of two types-out door and indoor.Here we are more concerned  with outdoor air pollution.  When dust particles and certain gases like nitrogen dio

23-02-21 Chanting Om and Cancer

Every small and big thing in the universe has its own importance and specificity until and unless we know about it.Its only about awareness. There are many activities that we perform in our daily life but we are not aware about the impact that these simple daily home activities will create on our body and mind. Like we recite Om in our daily routine wether its during worship or while doing yoga,almost every mantra in Hindu mythology starts with Om ,which we know since our childhood days. Today we will have a scientific based discussion on this powerful word "AUM" with 3 syllables. Many hypothesis have concluded that Om 🕉  is the first sound of the universe.Before the universe exist there was only humming energy or we can say the sound Om. AUM(Om) has 3 syllables, every syllable create vibrations at different levels in the body.  1. A- its pronounced as "aa" and it makes vibrations in nervous system of stomach and chest region. 2.U- its pronounced as "oo"

19-02-21 Cancer and Haldi(Turmeric)

 Haldi,a bright yellow coloured spice.There is not even a single Indian home where you will not find this spice.Since thousands of years, this spice has been used in Indian cuisine.Its also called curcuma long containing phytochemical called curcumin in it. For the first time in 1815 , curcumin was extracted from turmeric and after several researches it has been found that it contains anti cancerous properties.Since then this spice has become the focus of research all over the world. This is just like we go to church, temple, masjid,gurudwaras in search of God and actually that Supreme power lives with in us .In the same way we wander for cancer solutions in the outside world and these are in our kitchen only. We just need awareness about it. Turmeric has tremendous anti cancerous properties.Chemotherapy kills normal cells along with cancerous cells in the body giving side effects additionally.  Where as Turmeric act only on cancerous cells.Do opt for chemotherapy but make it more effe

15-02-21 Obesity and Cancer

 As it has been already discussed in previous blog that obesity is the leading cause for 13 types of cancer. Your extra fat retained in the body is the friend of cancer.Before it starts causing mutation and uncontrolled cell division ,do take measures to throw it out of your body. Ayurvedic Tea In our Indian kitchen,spices play a key role in cooking.Each and every spice has a very important role in our body. Using spices is a practice of ancient ayurvedic cooking which has a great scientific reason behind its usage.Today we use spices in view of enhancing taste to the food but we are not aware that Indian food along with giving taste to our tongue ,also give immunity to our body. Every spice has its own specific property ,here we will discuss about 3 spices that you need to take additionally in your daily routine in the form of green tea. 1.Fenugreek Fenugreek also known as methi seeds has a special property of weight loss It contains good quality of  fiber which reduces appetite and g