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Showing posts with the label Time matters a lot- Ayurveda - Tridosha balancing

17-03-21 Time matters a lot- Ayurveda- Balancing Tridosha

Dr komal behl Time matters a lot- Ayurveda- Balancing Tridosha You do exercise, follow a proper diet chart to remain healthy. All these efforts are appreciable but what if we modify our life style , eating habbits and diet according to season. Time matters a lot !! Ayurveda says about Tridosha ,means there are 3 doshas that is vata, pitta and kapha . Vata regulates our nervous system, pitta works for our digestive systema and Kapha is meant for respiratory system. Rotation of earth also rotates the prominency of these doshas. As the season changes like from November to February when the air is cold and dry ,vata dosha becomes prominent in the environment. We focus on keeping it in balance by adapting diet and life style suitable for vata dosha. Similarly from July to October when weather is hot , pitta becomes prominent and from March to June when its cold and wet, kapha accumulates in the air. Adapting routine according to doshas will keep your body physiologically in equillibr