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Showing posts with the label Air pollution and Cancer

26-02-21 Air Pollution and Cancer

 Today in this busy world,we own everything including money,food,home to live ,a dashing car and a family except one thing and that is time.We have everything for living and for giving except time.We don't have enough time to think and observe calmly that everything we are using in our daily life including What we eat! What we drink !! Even What we breath is carcinogenic. About food and psychological aspects ,we have discussed in our previous blogs. In this blog I am here to inform you about the air that we breath can also cause cancer specially lung cancer. Recent researches have given astonishing results about cases of lung cancer.Ratio of lung cancer cases in smokers as well as in non smokers is equal or you can say count of non smokers suffering from lung cancer is more. Reason behind this is our polluted environment. Air pollution is of two types-out door and indoor.Here we are more concerned  with outdoor air pollution.  When dust particles and certain gases like nitrogen dio