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Showing posts from February, 2021

26-02-21 Air Pollution and Cancer

 Today in this busy world,we own everything including money,food,home to live ,a dashing car and a family except one thing and that is time.We have everything for living and for giving except time.We don't have enough time to think and observe calmly that everything we are using in our daily life including What we eat! What we drink !! Even What we breath is carcinogenic. About food and psychological aspects ,we have discussed in our previous blogs. In this blog I am here to inform you about the air that we breath can also cause cancer specially lung cancer. Recent researches have given astonishing results about cases of lung cancer.Ratio of lung cancer cases in smokers as well as in non smokers is equal or you can say count of non smokers suffering from lung cancer is more. Reason behind this is our polluted environment. Air pollution is of two types-out door and indoor.Here we are more concerned  with outdoor air pollution.  When dust particles and certain gases like nitrogen dio

23-02-21 Chanting Om and Cancer

Every small and big thing in the universe has its own importance and specificity until and unless we know about it.Its only about awareness. There are many activities that we perform in our daily life but we are not aware about the impact that these simple daily home activities will create on our body and mind. Like we recite Om in our daily routine wether its during worship or while doing yoga,almost every mantra in Hindu mythology starts with Om ,which we know since our childhood days. Today we will have a scientific based discussion on this powerful word "AUM" with 3 syllables. Many hypothesis have concluded that Om 🕉  is the first sound of the universe.Before the universe exist there was only humming energy or we can say the sound Om. AUM(Om) has 3 syllables, every syllable create vibrations at different levels in the body.  1. A- its pronounced as "aa" and it makes vibrations in nervous system of stomach and chest region. 2.U- its pronounced as "oo"

19-02-21 Cancer and Haldi(Turmeric)

 Haldi,a bright yellow coloured spice.There is not even a single Indian home where you will not find this spice.Since thousands of years, this spice has been used in Indian cuisine.Its also called curcuma long containing phytochemical called curcumin in it. For the first time in 1815 , curcumin was extracted from turmeric and after several researches it has been found that it contains anti cancerous properties.Since then this spice has become the focus of research all over the world. This is just like we go to church, temple, masjid,gurudwaras in search of God and actually that Supreme power lives with in us .In the same way we wander for cancer solutions in the outside world and these are in our kitchen only. We just need awareness about it. Turmeric has tremendous anti cancerous properties.Chemotherapy kills normal cells along with cancerous cells in the body giving side effects additionally.  Where as Turmeric act only on cancerous cells.Do opt for chemotherapy but make it more effe

15-02-21 Obesity and Cancer

 As it has been already discussed in previous blog that obesity is the leading cause for 13 types of cancer. Your extra fat retained in the body is the friend of cancer.Before it starts causing mutation and uncontrolled cell division ,do take measures to throw it out of your body. Ayurvedic Tea In our Indian kitchen,spices play a key role in cooking.Each and every spice has a very important role in our body. Using spices is a practice of ancient ayurvedic cooking which has a great scientific reason behind its usage.Today we use spices in view of enhancing taste to the food but we are not aware that Indian food along with giving taste to our tongue ,also give immunity to our body. Every spice has its own specific property ,here we will discuss about 3 spices that you need to take additionally in your daily routine in the form of green tea. 1.Fenugreek Fenugreek also known as methi seeds has a special property of weight loss It contains good quality of  fiber which reduces appetite and g

12-02-21Sugar and Cancer

 Monday,tuesday and friday is a blog day! Today we will discuss about sugar and cancer. There are many questions that a cancer survivor accommodate in his/her mind. Does sugar feed cancer cells?Eating sugar will make tumour more invasive?What is the connection between sugar and cancer? Today in this blog I am here with a hope to clear your house of queries that has been  built in your mind. Sugar and cancer are not directly linked with each other.But yes there is an indirect connection between them.Means if you take sugar in your diet,it will definately not lead to cancer if your body mass index(bmi) is within normal limits. So you can have sugar in your daily routine diet.But if daily intake of sugar exceeds so much that it starts causing obesity then at that point it becomes a cause of 13 types of cancer.  How Sugar becomes white death? In this modern life everybody is dependent on processed food.Procesed food includes canned ,frozen or packed food ,means everytime we cooked food fro

10-02-21Chemotherapy -Hair fall-Ayurvedic treatment

 One of the most depressing side effect of chemotherapy is hair fall. Your hairs make an image in the eyes of people the way they see you.When you know that you are having cancer ,an immediate thought of hair fall hit in your mind. It's the most distressing side effect that every cancer patient has to face.Whenever you look into the mirror,your hair loss reminds you about your illness.It gives an indicatory sign to public that you are a cancer patient when you stepped out of your home. No guaranteed treatment exist till now which ensures you about no hair loss during cheotherampy. Certain measures have been tried like scalp cooling caps which does allow blood supply to reach in your scalp during chemotherapy. So that your hair cells are protected and hair fall does not occur.But this solution does not work as it was having small risk of cancer recurrence in the scalp as no chemo drug reach in the scalp due to no blood supply in view of cooing effect of cap. Applying minoxidil solut

08-02-21 Psycho-oncology

 Fear of death can shake anybody.When a soldier stands in front of enemy on battle ground ,its his mental strength which makes him stand in front of death. He Does not know wheather he will win or or die but mentally he is well prepared to fight till his last breath.Same is the situation with cancer .Its not the choice of  cancer to stuck you ,rather it's your choice for how to deal with it.You never know how strong you are until you face a big problem.You cannot change your future or past but present is in your control.Make it beautiful, make it present (gift) actually. Its a beautiful process of changing your soul towards life. The wall between reality and your imagination is acceptance.Once you accept that yes I am having cancer ,its in my body and I will fight against it with all my strength, the feeling of anxiety,discomfort and unpleasantness will slowly go away from your mind. Your subconscious mind will start reacting the way you think.You will observe ,the moment you accep