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23-01-2021 (Cancer Solutions)

 Cancer solutions 

Every one Indian out of 10 is suffering from cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally.Around one third of deaths from cancer are due to 5 leading behavioral and dietary risk:-

High body mass index 

Low fruit and vegetable intake

Lack of physical activity

Tobacco use 

Alcohol use

Tobacco use is most important risk factor and is responsible for 22% of cancer deaths

Late stage presentation, inaccessible diagnosis and treatment and unawareness are common responsible factor.

Hi friends, I am dr.Komal Behl ,stepped in for cancer discussions and cancer soluion research.

We need to fight against this deadly disease as a team.Most common cancers are oral.cervical and breast cancer.Daily we will discuss and apply one cancer solution in our life.It will be a meaningful,applicable and detailed discussion on cancer solutions.

What is the solution, why we should apply it,what's the scientific reason behind it,all will be discussed here. For this,you need to see and read my post daily.Have a brightful day!


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