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Showing posts from January, 2021

29-01-21 Holy basil and cancer(power of tulsi)

 Power of tulsi (Osimum sactum) Osimum sanctum (tulsi) has been revered as a most sacred herb in India.For more than 5000 years tulsi has been used as a choice of herb in different types of illness.Hindus view tulsi as a goddess bestowed with spiritual and healing powers.Every home where tulsi is planted it is believed that presence of brahma,vishnu,mahesh is assured.  In this blog we will discuss about spiritual and healing power of tulsi in cancer.Vedas and samhitas have already mentioned about tremendous benefits of tulsi (osimum sanctum-os) .But as we know everything needs approval on scientific basis. Many researches have been conducted on role  of tulsi in different types of cancer. In case of breast cancer it has been revealed that Os leaves extract inhibits proliferation, morphogenesis,migrain and induction of Cox-2 protein in breast cancer cells.It also decreases tumor size. Another study in pancreatic cancer cells showed that tulsi leaves extract inhibits proliferation, migra

28-01-21 Psychological aspects of Cancer

 Generally people don't have any clue or any such kind of thought of being diagnosed with cancer even in their most worst nightmare.Cancer can stuck anybody in their life at any age.Factors like time,age ,emotions ,financial status of an individual do not come in its dictionary. Its a kind of illness that come with unexpected symptoms like fever ,bodyaches etc or when you go for routine investigations you suddenly got news that you are diagnosed with cancer. Fear of death can shake anybodies mind .More than physical, the name cancer hit you mentally. During stress period hypothalamus in our brain send information to adrenalin gland  to release stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol.This is called fight and flight response during stress. It prepares our body to react during stress by sending blood supply to heart,muscles etc.Its a temporary reaction of body during stress.But when this stress will stay for long time then it becomes base of nourishment for multiple diseases su

23-01-2021 (Cancer Solutions)

 Cancer solutions  Every one Indian out of 10 is suffering from cancer. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally.Around one third of deaths from cancer are due to 5 leading behavioral and dietary risk:- High body mass index  Low fruit and vegetable intake Lack of physical activity Tobacco use  Alcohol use Tobacco use is most important risk factor and is responsible for 22% of cancer deaths Late stage presentation, inaccessible diagnosis and treatment and unawareness are common responsible factor. Hi friends, I am dr.Komal Behl ,stepped in for cancer discussions and cancer soluion research. We need to fight against this deadly disease as a team.Most common cancers are oral.cervical and breast cancer.Daily we will discuss and apply one cancer solution in our life.It will be a meaningful,applicable and detailed discussion on cancer solutions. What is the solution, why we should apply it,what's the scientific reason behind it,all will be discussed here. For this,you need to